Important dates for your calendar!

The new season is nearly upon us and it's time to climb into the loft and brush the dust off your kits!

Apologies for the late notice but here are some important dates for you diaries:



Junior nets commence on Friday 23rd January (TOMORROW!) and will run every Friday until the 20th March 2015.

During these sessions different time slots will be allocated to the different age groups:

  • Under 11's: 6:45pm - 7:45pm
  • Under 13's: 7:45pm - 8:45pm
  • Under 15s/Under 17s: 8:45pm - 9:45pm



Senior training sessions will also be running on Friday nights starting on Friday 20th February 2015 and run for 6 consecutive weeks finishing Friday 3rd April and are from 7pm - 9pm . These will be held at JMS Sport UK


Units 11-13, Parkside Works
Parkwood Street
West Yorkshire
BD21 4PJ


Cricket Force

Obviously the ground needs to be brought to life for the beginning of the new season and we require as much help as possible over just a single weekend in order to get things ready!

Cricket force weekend is Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th March and if anybody and any family members are available to lend a hand on these days it would be much appreciated and as expected the venue is the home of cricket, Ilkley Cricket Club.

The more help we get, the easier job it will be, and the more of a laugh is likely to be had!


Ilkley Cricket Club Golf Day

A message from Simon O'Hara regarding the clubs annual golfing venture!

Dear All,

Summer is almost upon us.
A date for your diary, Friday 26th June for the golf day this year.
Same format as last year, Texas Scramble.
A few spaces still available!


Prices held £25 Ilkley Golf Club members £60 guests


Brand New Home Dressing Room!


Two new signings for Ilkley Cricket Club!